Extensive rewards marketplace spanning 26000+ digital gift options from 5000+ global brands.
100% Transparency and no hidden charges. You get a dollar-for-dollar value.
With on-redemption pricing, you only pay for the rewards your employees claim.
Tailored solution curated for mid-size and enterprise organizations: fostering productivity, collaboration and motivation.
Configure the platform in the language and currency of your choice for your global teams.
The platform adheres to all global standards, including WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA, and GDPR.
VAPT, Code reviews, BCP. Firewalls, IDS, logging, monitoring, MFA, data encryption and code audits.
Global cloud infrastructure gives the flexibility to choose how and where to run and store data.
The platform SDK and APIs allow the embedding of the solution within any existing product.
The platform can be white-labeled with branding, logos, colors, time zones, and languages.